Chefchaouen the top destination:
The city of Chefchaouen was ranked as the top tourist destination to discover in the Maghreb and Middle East. This is according to the English news site “Stepfeed” based in Dubai. In an article published early this year listing the seven best sites to visit, the blue city comes at the top of the list. This is thanks to its charming landscape located in the heart of the Moroccan mountains of Rif. It’s also recognizable with its houses with facades whitewashed with a very distinctive blue.
Accordingly,The beauty of the mountain landscape of the city of Chefchaouen, founded in 1471 as a small fortress, is reinforced by the contrast of the bright colors of the medina and its relaxed atmosphere, states the article.
Other ranked sites:
The list includes also The Pamukkale site in Turkey. followed by Shiraz in Iran, Anfeh in Lebanon, Dahab in Egypt, Musandam in Oman and Khor Al Aidad in Qatar. According to the report, these sites are distinguished by their beauty and cultural richness. In addition to that, they are part of the UNESCO World Heritage.